Marine and weather measuring equipment and Water quality automatic measuring equipment manufacturer
ㆍRackmount type one or two 2-KW channels Chirp 3200 series Echosounder for survey vessles
ㆍMain Range: 10 ~ 5,000m
ㆍPhased Range: Multiple 50% overlapped phases of each range(20% option), manual or automatic selection
ㆍFrequencies: One or two low freq. channels - 3.5kHz to 24kHz, 24-bit A/D
ㆍOptional Frequencies: One or two high freq. channels - 24kHz to 210Hz, 16-bit A/D
ㆍPower: 4 user-selectable power levels up to 1kW per channel
ㆍDepth Resolution: 1cm(0-99.99m), 1dm(100-999.9m), 1m(<1000m)
ㆍSound Velocity: 1300 ~ 1700m/s, resolution 1m/s
ㆍDraft: 0 ~ 100m, resolution 1cm
ㆍGain Controls: AGC, TVG and manual receive gain for each frequency
ㆍUSB 2.0 hi-speed (480Mbps)
ㆍOutput Data: XTF, KEL format, SEG-Y(16/32 bit floating point), ASCII Digital Depth Strings
ㆍEcho sounder (수심측정)