Marine and weather measuring equipment and Water quality automatic measuring equipment manufacturer
ㆍRackmount type 1600 series Echosounder for survey vessels
ㆍSuccessful 320 Series의 후속 모델로 새로운 디자인
ㆍ12Mbps USB 2.0 지원
ㆍ4 channels
ㆍ12Mbps USB 2.0 지원
ㆍMain Range: 10 ~ 5,000m
ㆍPhased Range: Multiple 50% overlapped phases of each range(20% option), manual or automatic selection
ㆍFrequencies: 24 ~ 210 kHz user selectable
ㆍPower: 4 user-selectable power levels up to 1kW per channel
ㆍDepth Resolution: 1cm(0-99.99m), 1dm(100-999.9m), 1m(<1000m)
ㆍSound Velocity: 1300 ~ 1700m/s, resolution 1m/s
ㆍDraft: 0 ~ 100m, resolution 1cm
ㆍGain Controls: AGC, TVG and manual receive gain for each frequency
ㆍOutput Data: XTF, KEL format, ASCII Digital Depth Strings
ㆍRackmount type 1600 series Echosounder for survey vessels (수심측정)