Special Battery manufacturer, Battery for submarine, Torpedo, Battery monitoring system, energy storage device and more
Korea Special Battery Co., Ltd. is a defense company which develops and produces batteries for the submarine and
The key products of company include lead-acid batteries for 209 class, 214 class, 3000 ton class submarines and silver oxide batteries for heavyweight torpedo (White Shark, SUT/ SST4) and lightweight torpedo (Blue Shark). We produce lead-acid batteries (SG battery) which are proper for storage of renewable energy for civilian consumption. We are planning to manufacture a cell system and pack system.
We make efforts in developing new weapon systems with our own technologies and technical cooperation with a government and government-founded research institutes. we are focusing on the development of batteries related to the renewable energy.
As a leading company for the defense and renewable energy industries, Korea Special Battery Co., Ltd. will be a leading company and play a critical role in the field of special batteries.