General Notes
(a) All dimensions are in millimeters.
(b) Tolerances :
OD = outside diameter or ring, +0.51, -0.00
A = width of ring, +0.20, -0.00
Variation in width throughout the entire circumference of any ring shall not exceed 0.10 within these tolerances.
C = width of flat, +0.15, -0.00
D = height of outside bevel, +0.0, -0.76
H = height of ring, +0.20, -0.00
Variation in height throughout the entire circumference of any ring shall not exceed 0.10 within these tolerances.
R1 = radius of ring, ±0.5
23 deg = angle, ±0 deg 30 min
E = hole size, ±0.5
(1) Rings RX-82 through RX-91 only require one pressure passage hole as illustrated. The centerline of the hole shall be located at the midpoint of dimension C.
(2) Tolerance on these dimensions is +0.00, -0.38.
(3) Tolerance on these dimensions is +0.5, -0.0.
(4) Class 720, 960, and 2900 flanges to API 6B are obsolete. Data are for information only.
(5) Crossover flange connection.