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Shiplift System, Rail Transporter, Mono Rail Transporter, Bogie, Ship Section Carrier

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Heavy lifting with our Eco-friendly technology.

Lifting capacity from 300 ton to over 20,000 tons

The SHIPLIFT SYSTEM is the best option for lifting or lowering any kind of vessels, of any dimensions and weight, safely and quickly out or into the water. Our modern shiplift consists of a horizontal rigid and/or articulated platform positioned parallel to the quay, lifted and lowered by an even number of electro-hydraulic winches that are positioned symmetrically at both longitudinal sides of the platform. The winches can be hydraulically or electrically driven and are connected to the platform by wire ropes. The SHIPLIFT SYSTEM is made to work seamlessly with our transfer system to optimize their combined performance.

A shiplift system could be considered a large elevator for ship docking used to raise and lower ships of any size and weight. Many companies have built them throughout history by utilizing different techniques, with more or less success, a few failures, and even troublesome accidents.

Our TITAN Shiplift technique has certain advantages when compared to other manufacturers.  Some advantages include the energy-autonomous feature, a smooth and safe hydraulic transmission, the hydraulic grouping of winches for better load control, the most reliable redundant systems to ensure non-stop operation, and a double lifting wire design.


The platform is the main structural component of the Shiplift. TITAN can offer either rigid or articulated platform design, always ensuring the best stability for any load distribution. The structure is a high resistance frame construction that has been designed using modern FEM analysis. Equal lifting and lowering of the platform are secured through modern and precise position sensors and a balancing control system. The Shiplift platform is of simple design to facilitate easy maintenance since the structure is subjected to adverse environmental conditions, but the unnecessary weight should be minimized. The future use of the platform should be considered before the design is undertaken: It can be used as a working platform if desired, or the deck may be of lightweight construction when not. The platform is also furnished with a locking system to ensure the safest operation while transferring the vessel and/or for the maintenance of the platform. This locking system turns the platform into a safe maintenance or building place if needed. The rail transition devices ensure smooth-rolling between platform and quay.

Lower sheave

The lower sheaves are attached to the extremes of the transversal beams of the platform. These sheaves are furnished with antifriction bearings mounted on a common shaft. The type of sheaves used depends on their position and load. The bearings are protected against seawater and furnished with a long time lubricating filling.


The winches of the TITAN systems are actuated by a multi-motor hydraulic system which guarantees smooth lifting and lowering operations. They are also equipped with load cells at every winch position to allow them to operate independently but synchronously and to cope safely with the different possible load distributions of the ships. These double wire winches are secured by a triple brake system. The hydraulic drive motors, as well as the brakes, are operated smoothly due to a proportional control and load-dependent function. The independent motors allow continuous and seamless operation even if a single motor fails. All operating parameters like speed, height, weight, etc. are shown in real-time at the control room.

Upper sheave

The upper sheaves are the rolling components located in front of the drum on a structural support and make the connection between the platform lower sheaves and the drum through the wire ropes. These sheaves are also furnished with antifriction bearings mounted on a common shaft and are of a type to be selected according to position and load. The bearings are protected against seawater and furnished with longtime lubricating filling.

Power Pack

The integrated power packs allow for independent operation without influences from external power sources. Each power pack is composed of a diesel engine, hydraulic axial piston pumps, a cooling system as well as a control panel. They can be operated independently or in parallel and controlled by a remote controller or manually in the control panel. Each power pack is designed to operate from two to many winches, depending on the load and capacity of each unit. A combination of four power packs builds a similar effect to a fluid bed, preventing the overload of a single winch due to load unbalances.


The trestles used to dock the boats are designed with the proper shape to ensure safety, both for the system and the vessel to be lifted and then transferred, and also to minimize civil construction cost.

Control system

The Shiplift system is operated by a wire or a wireless remote control system. All operations can be handled from the remote controller. Individual control is possible in the control panel at the side of the power pack. The operator can control a single unit or multiple units through the remote control.


  • Raising and lowering of the platform, proportional speed
  • Locking system
  • TRANSFER SYSTEM operation 
  • All indicators in real-time for lifting and lowering speed, weight indication at platform and TRANSFER SYSTEM, power supervision, backup generator, and others
  • Backup system

The functions of the remote control are:

System on/off, Engine stop/start, E.M.G stop, Winch ramping/stop/lowering, Winch Brake active/release, Winch locking active, Locking System active/release, Accelerator Signal, Brake, Winch speed command, Winch up and down signal and transfer functions.

Shiplift System, Rail Transporter, Mono Rail Transporter, Bogie, Ship Section Carrier
라인호(주)는 1992년 창립 이래로 산업 환경 속에서 일어나는 기술 변화 속에서도 지속적인 성장을 이루어온 선도적인 기업입니다. 끊임없이 발전하고 학습하고자 하는 열정으로 우리는 제품을 더 안전하고, 신뢰성 있으며, 비용 효율적이고 환경친화적으로 만들기 위해 혁신적인 방법을 사용하여 제품 향상에 힘써왔습니다. 고객의 요구사항에 초점을 맞추며 노력한 결과, 우리는 이 분야에서 가장 선도적인 기업 중 하나가 되었습니다. 나아가 프로젝트 금융 대안을 통해 다양한 흥미로운 프로젝트에 참여할 수 있는 선구적인 투자자를 찾고자 노력하고 있습니다. 우리의 성공은 모든 관계의 핵심이 되는 원칙에 기반합니다. 고객의 실제 needs에 대한 존중, 협상 시 정직성과 성실성, 그리고 유연한 마음가짐으로 모든 프로젝트에 접근합니다.궁극적으로 우리가 하는 모든 일을 통해 세상에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것이 우리의 사명입니다. 우리는 중량물 운송 시장에서 지속적으로 성장하고 있으며, 우리의 전문성과 기술력을 필요로 하는 모든 산업 분야에 탁월한 시스템을 만들어 나가기 위해 끊임없이 전진할 것을 다짐합니다. 다른 이들이 정체되어 있는 동안 우리는 앞으로 나아가며 혁신을 거듭할 것입니다. 헌신적인 직원들의 선구자적 정신을 통해 우리는 앞으로도 성공을 거둘 것이며, 고객 여러분의 미래 또한 보장해 드릴 것입니다.