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HIPPS -High Integrity Pressure Ptrotection System / WHCP-WELLHEAD CONTROL PANEL / HPUs-Hydraulic Pow
Catalog-Norr Systems Korea-Hydraulics
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Expert in MSBD, HIPPS, Pump, CIP, HIP, WHCP, Emergency Generator Package and more

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HIPPS -High Integrity Pressure Ptrotection System / WHCP-WELLHEAD CONTROL PANEL / HPUs-Hydraulic Pow
제품 상세 정보

In traditional systems over-pressure is dealt with through relief systems. A relief system will open an alternative outlet for the fluids in the system once a set pressure is exceeded, to avoid further build-up of pressure in the protected system. This alternative outlet generally leads to a flare or venting system to safely dispose the excess fluids. A relief system aims at removing any excess inflow of fluids for safe disposal, where a HIPPS aims at stopping the inflow of excess fluids and containing them in the system.

Conventional relief systems have disadvantages such as release of (flammable and toxic) process fluids or their combustion products in the environment and often a large footprint of the installation. With increasing environmental awareness, relief systems are not always an acceptable solution. However, because of their simplicity, relatively low cost and wide availability, conventional relief systems are still often applied.

HIPPS provides a solution to protect equipment in cases where:

high-pressures and / or flow rates are processed

the environment is to be protected

the economic viability of a development needs improvement

the risk profile of the plant must be reduced

sensors, (or initiators) that detect the high pressure

a logic solver, which processes the input from the sensors to an output to the final element

final elements, that actually perform the corrective action in the field by bringing the process to a safe state. In case of a HIPPS this means shutting off the source of overpressure. The final element consists of a valve, actuator and solenoids.

Reduced environmental impact of pressure release burn off valves •Reduced potential economic impact arising from a lack of containment • Reduction in the catastrophic effect of a lack of containment to both people and the environment • Significant reduction in process risk, enabling development of higher pressure / flow rate fields • Economic tie-back of high pressure marginal fields to existing pipeline infrastructure and topsides.Norrsystem Korea’s designs, builds and assembles High Integrity Pressure Protection Systems (HIPPS) for use on Ball, Butterfly,Plug, Gate and Globe Valves. We supply Fail-safe Actuators for all Valve types, together with all of the necessary Instruments and Controls suitable for use in SIL systems including dual redundant controls, Pressure instrument, Logic Solvers and the associated pipework and Skid hardware. We are specialists in actuator control panel design and build. We are experienced in both calculating and delivering fast close actuators using the very latest control components. As part of the package, we can supply a SIL assessment covering the whole assembly, Prepared by a qualified consultant.

NSK Group’s integrated HIPPS provide a dual electronic and mechanical redundancy solution. They are designed and built in accordance with relevant safety instrumented systems (SIS) standards.


Product Definition

A wellhead control panel (WHCP) is the main part of a safety system on a production platform or production location. The panels enable safe and reliable operation of the Xmas tree valves by providing hydraulic power and controls, and in some cases pneumatic controls. The Xmas tree valves are in most cases on-off valves with a hydraulic or pneumatic actuator.

The following Xmas tree valves are typically controlled by a wellhead control panel:

• Sub-Surface Controlled Safety Valve (SSCSV)

• Master Valve (MV)

• Wing Valve (WV)

• Choke Valve

• Riser ESD Valve

Product Description

Frames Wellhead Control Panels can be executed as a single wellhead, typically found in onshore locations, or a multi wellhead control panel, which are typically found in offshore locations. The main purpose of the wellhead control panel is to ensure controlled opening and closing of the Xmas tree valves in the event of an emergency shutdown or process shutdown.

Control of the wellhead control panels is often part of the plant control (ESD/PCS) system. However, for remote areas Frames can provide standalone systems which include solar power, batteries, Telemetry and an E&I control panel.

Our systems are custom designed to match client specifications, and are, where required, compliant with international and local regulations such as IECEx, ATEX, CE, CSA, UL, NR13, ASME, and PED.

A typical layout of a wellhead control panel will show multiple sections to facilitate logical operation of the panel. These sections are grouped as follows:

A typical wellhead control panel HPU consists of multiple hydraulic pressure sections, depending on the working pressure of the Xmas tree actuated valves. Working pressures range from 3000 psi for control and well valves up to 20,000 psi for downhole valve control. Frames can incorporate a hydraulic or pneumatic logic header in the design of the wellhead control panel, in case low pressure logic control and/or fusible plug loop is required.

Expert in MSBD, HIPPS, Pump, CIP, HIP, WHCP, Emergency Generator Package and more
(주)놀시스템즈코리아는 2010년 1월 울산과 거제 조선소 인근 도시에 위치한 부산에 설립되었습니다.저희 놀시스템즈코리아는 석유 및 가스 해양 시장에서 세계적인 설계, 엔지니어링 및 시운전 회사가 되겠다는 비전으로 나아가고 있습니다. 놀시스템즈의 해양 프로젝트는 주로 MSBD(고압, 중압, 저압 스위치보드)와 HIPPS(고무결 압력 보호 시스템), 펌프, CIP(화학 주입 패키지), HIP(차아염소산 주입 패키지), WHCP(유정 제어 패키지), 비상 발전기 패키지 등을 중심으로 관련 작업 및 분야에 집중하고 있습니다. 놀시스템즈코리아의 핵심 자산은 고도로 숙련된 전문 엔지니어들로, 이들은 정교한 기술과 맞춤형 솔루션을 사용하여 회사가 국제적인 명성을 얻을 수 있도록 하고 있습니다. 놀시스템즈코리아의 최우선 과제는 작업의 안전성과 품질입니다.저희는 조선업의 경계를 넘어선 강점을 제공하며, 시스템과 함께 제공되는 지원 서비스를 제공합니다. 놀시스템즈코리아 팀은 다양한 작업, 환경 및 클래스에서 다수의 설치 작업에 참여해 왔습니다.이를 통해 저희는 해양 고객과 세계적인 조선업체, EPCIC, EPC에 할당된 예산과 시간 내에 궁극적인 재정 및 운영 성공을 약속드릴 수 있습니다. 놀시스템즈코리아의 혁신은 최종 사용자의 생산성과 수익성을 높이는 솔루션을 창출하는 데 필수적입니다.