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ICSS-Integrated Control & Safety Systems / AMS-Alarm Monitoring System / BWTS-Ballast water treatmen
Power & Control
Catalog-Norr Systems Korea-Power & Control
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Expert in MSBD, HIPPS, Pump, CIP, HIP, WHCP, Emergency Generator Package and more

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ICSS-Integrated Control & Safety Systems / AMS-Alarm Monitoring System / BWTS-Ballast water treatmen
제품 상세 정보

Integrated Control & Safety Systems

NSK’s Integrated Control and Safety Systems (ICSS), The process control system offers more than traditional distributed control systems (DCS) by unifying people with process, business requirements and asset management. It allows integration of all process control and safety systems and automation software under one unified architecture.

Assessments by Norrsystems Korea experts include audits to evaluate the health, reliability, safety, and performance of automation assets at plant or mill sites. These services cover the installed base systems and software, process control and system performance, alarm benchmarking practices, and site safety, security and efficiency. Norrsystems Korea also offers Engineering Studies that help users align operational and business objectives with project objectives to maximize the value from automation systems and improve the return on investment through the facility’s lifecycle.

With decades of experience in the pulp, paper and printing industry, and hundreds of service representatives around the world, Norrsystems Korea is a leading provider of Quality Control System (QCS) services. Its services help users improve product quality and operational efficiency as well as optimize return on their QCS investments.

Alarm Monitoring System

With the advanced alarm monitoring system you are empowered to detect and prevent abnormal situations to enhance safety.

A number of advanced alarm functions are available:

Alarm presentation on the workstation as well as on the alarm panels in accommodation and public areas

Integration of independent alarm systems into the automation system, eg. bridge, cargo control room and engine control room

Customizable alarm groups can be used to handle the various alarms for the systems on board. Set up functions such as call engineer on duty, call all engineers and repeat alarm

Advanced alarm filtering and distribution enabling alarm indications at the right locations and in relevant situations

Safeguards and conditional warnings to avoid dangerous operations

Integration of dead-man alarm system

Independent high-level and overfill alarm

BWTS repair and maintenance is one of the core services of NSK. Skilled engineers and mechanics with shipyard, OEM, power station and sea going experience know where to look and where to start trouble-shooting any way. With deep technical and engineering skills, we are able to quickly analyze requirements and get down to completing the job.Treatment Technologies

Filter unit : Partides or Organisms larger than 50μm

Electrolysis unit : Produce disinfectant (CLNaO)

Neutralization unit : Residual Control

UV reactor : Ultraviolet radiation

ICSS (Integrated Control and Safety Systems)

Our ICSS is mainly consisted by three parts, DCS(Distributed Control System), ESD(Emergency Shutdown System) and FGS(Fire and Gas System). The ICSS is a mocroprocessor-based intelligent system that provides protection, control and monitoring functionalities electrical equipment.

It will be a fault-tolerant system. In the event of fault occuring, e.g. power supply unit failure, a single processor failure & etc. the redundant component will take over the functionality and data acquisition from field devices or other communication links will not be affected.


Ease to reach and easily available during an emergency

Utilize a high integrity and reliable logic solver

Eliminate or minimize common mode failures

Real-time data acquisition and display

Ensure management control of changes and system bypassses

Isolate electrical equipment

AMS (Alarm Monitoring & Control System)

Our system is a Integrated Alarm Monitoring and control system for optimal solution for the main engine monitoring function and the cargo/ballast control function of merchant ships and offshore facilities.

It is designed to provide various information to operators in order to manipulate safe and effcient operations based on high reliability and complete flexibility.

The upper-level part of our system is composed of dual server system that manages the overall ship machinery information and multi-client system that provides monitoring and control functions to users via graphic screen. The lower-level part is made of distributed system format that allows acquisition and transmission of input/output data at location area. It allows an easy-to-expand I/O processor module and the module exchange is possible in operation.

Also, our open architecture technology system allows easy integration with other system. It complies with the requirement of IMO, IACS and several classification societies and confirms to all rules and regulations and all components are type approved.


Based on redundant System

Safe and Easy Operation

High product quality and Low maintenance cost

Expert in MSBD, HIPPS, Pump, CIP, HIP, WHCP, Emergency Generator Package and more
(주)놀시스템즈코리아는 2010년 1월 울산과 거제 조선소 인근 도시에 위치한 부산에 설립되었습니다.저희 놀시스템즈코리아는 석유 및 가스 해양 시장에서 세계적인 설계, 엔지니어링 및 시운전 회사가 되겠다는 비전으로 나아가고 있습니다. 놀시스템즈의 해양 프로젝트는 주로 MSBD(고압, 중압, 저압 스위치보드)와 HIPPS(고무결 압력 보호 시스템), 펌프, CIP(화학 주입 패키지), HIP(차아염소산 주입 패키지), WHCP(유정 제어 패키지), 비상 발전기 패키지 등을 중심으로 관련 작업 및 분야에 집중하고 있습니다. 놀시스템즈코리아의 핵심 자산은 고도로 숙련된 전문 엔지니어들로, 이들은 정교한 기술과 맞춤형 솔루션을 사용하여 회사가 국제적인 명성을 얻을 수 있도록 하고 있습니다. 놀시스템즈코리아의 최우선 과제는 작업의 안전성과 품질입니다.저희는 조선업의 경계를 넘어선 강점을 제공하며, 시스템과 함께 제공되는 지원 서비스를 제공합니다. 놀시스템즈코리아 팀은 다양한 작업, 환경 및 클래스에서 다수의 설치 작업에 참여해 왔습니다.이를 통해 저희는 해양 고객과 세계적인 조선업체, EPCIC, EPC에 할당된 예산과 시간 내에 궁극적인 재정 및 운영 성공을 약속드릴 수 있습니다. 놀시스템즈코리아의 혁신은 최종 사용자의 생산성과 수익성을 높이는 솔루션을 창출하는 데 필수적입니다.