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HP Vaporizer for RV/FSRU
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열교환기 제조업체, 엔진용, 육상용, 선박용 열교환기, 담수설비 및 발전 설비

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HP Vaporizer for RV/FSRU
제품 상세 정보

HP Vaporizer for RV/FSRU

LNG that is being supplied from RV/FSRU(combination of LNG Tanker, Re-gasification facility and Gas unloading facility) by HP LNG Pump, is vaporized by HP Vaporizer. The seawater is utilized as a source of heat that vaporizes LNG, and also if the seawater temperature falls down, it will be heated by with Seawater Heating System. In such case, DongHwa Entec’s Seawater Heater may be used.

LNG RV/FSRU Regasfication System

sea water direct heating
combined open/closed loop with seawater and steam heating

- Min. equipment
- Control simple
- Min. Energy consumption
- High pressure vaporizer : Shell and Tube type heat exchanger

General Design Data

Surface (m²)Gross 943.66Gross 806.01
Heat exchanged (kW)36,65628,031
Design pressure (barg)Shell 7.0 / Tube 135.0Shell 7.0 / Tube 135.0
Design codeASME, ClassASME, Class
TubesOD : 19.05mmLength : 13.50mOD : 19.05mmLength  : 13.00m
Shell ID1450mm1350 mm

Design Concepts
A. Steady Uniform Flow
Distributor installation on the channel

B. Anti-corrosion(Material of Tube : SMO 254)
To prevent corrosion due to seawater

C. Anti-Freezing
– Seawater inlet located in the low-temperature region
– To minimize shell side dead zone   

D. Structural Stablility evaluation / Quality Assessment

LNG Heater / Vaporizer

DongHwa Entec heat exchangers for LNG applications are of the shell and tube design and delivered for any BOG or LNG vapor duty according to customer specifications.Materials are typically 304L or 316L. Instrumentation and control valves will be part of the supply scope.

LNG Heater / Vaporizer – Test Model

Verification Tests for Development The DongHwa Steam Heating LNG Vaporizer is a highly reliable vaporizer development through extensive verification tests as shown left.

LNGC – N2 Compander Package Unit

N2 Compander is a re-liquefaction equipment which will be installed inside the 216K LNG vessel for the first time, now being built by three big domestic shipyards. It uses the nitrogen of extremely lowered temperature to change the natural boil-off gas, which originates from the cargo tanks of low temperature, to LNG and gets it back to the cargo tank.

LPG Cargo Heater / Vaporizer

DongHwa cargo heaters and vaporizers are delivered as separate units or combined for both duties in the same shell.Typically cargo heaters are designed for sea water cooling with sea water on the shell side and tubes of corrosion resistant high Ni-alloy stainless steel 904L. Heat exchangers in all Titanium are also available.

LPG Glycol Tank / Heater
LPG Glycol Heater
열교환기 제조업체, 엔진용, 육상용, 선박용 열교환기, 담수설비 및 발전 설비
㈜동화엔텍은 친환경 에너지 시대의 열에너지 교환 기술로 ‘First Mover’를 지향합니다. ㈜동화엔텍은 1980년 창업하여 선박용 열교환기 수리를 시작으로 이제는 선박용 열교환기 분야 최고 수준의 제품을 공급하고 있으며, 발전ㆍ플랜트 산업에서도 열교환기 전문기업으로 자리 잡고 있습니다.뿐만 아니라 초저온 유체의(LNG) 액화, 기화용 열교환기까지 다양한 산업 분야로 진출하고 있습니다.연구개발 능력 및 품질 경영을 바탕으로 최고의 설계 능력과 숙련된 제조기술로 고객이 오래도록 안심하고 사용할 수 있는 최상의 제품과 서비스를 제공하고 있으며 오랜 산업적 경험을 기반으로 해외 시장을 두드리는 등 국내 조선, EPC 고객 뿐만 아니라 해외 EPC, 조선, 중공업 등에도 고효율 및 고품질 제품을 공급하고 있습니다.이러한 적극적인 경영 전략과 고품질 전략으로 해외 마케팅을 통해 Global 동화의 이미지를 높이고 있습니다.