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513, Haeansaneop-ro, Sanam-myeon, Sacheon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea

UNISON’s wind energy business covers the full spectrum of the value chain including the development of wind farms, design and production of wind turbines,

construction and installation works and operation and maintenance of equipment. The experience gathered over the last 20 years has given UNISON and its employees a level of expertise that none can match in Korea. The 3 pillars of UNISON’s operational excellence are the R&D Ce nter, Production facility and Service center. They cover the design and production of cutting edge wind energy conversion technology as well as maintenance of the wind energy conversion systems to operate at its maximum profitability. UNISON’s none-tangible assets and expertise within the value chain of the wind energy industry are related to the development of wind farms. Expertise and experience in wind resource assessment, site survey, financing, project development and management, operational management are key to the success of any wind farm development. But for all the hard work and success that we enjoy, we cannot lose sight of our ultimate goal and objective.

1. Human civilization must co-exist with nature

UNISON’s business model shall contribute towards that objective. That is the reason why UNISON is in the renewable energy business, but we must be aware that even so, sometimes renewable technology can be invasive towards nature as well. We strive to minimize the environmental impact of any activities related to the development of wind farms.

2. Our success should not be only ours but our partner’s

By providing excellent products and services we strive to contr ibute to the success of our business partners, current and future customers.

3. For a better tomorrow

The renewable energy industry is gradually gaining the attention it deserves as its technology matures, but so does the responsibility to contribute towards a stable and affordable energy supply. With the renewed effort of the government to facilitate carbon neutral technology, UNISON unde rstands that we have the responsibility to significantly contribute to an environmentally sustainable future of Korea. All that would not be possible without the awareness and talent of human resources. W e devote ourselves not only towards the development of innovative technology but also the development of human talent.

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