Industrial heat exchanger manufacturer, Boiler, Exchanger, Brazing type heat exchanging pump and more
As the Taegwang industry has been manufacturing and designing various types of heat exchangers such as sheel & tube type, and air cooler for indutrial & ship use since its establishment in Jan, 10th, 1992. it has developed the high performance heat exchanger for special use such as oil cooler, air inter cooler, after cooler, reduction gear oil cooler since the last half of 1994. Its products have been recognized as the best one while being manufactured through the best manufacturing technology.
The brazing technology and facilities are the best one in Korea. Its high-performance braze-type heat exchanger has been delivered to a number of domestic companies while its quality is more excellent that that of the exotic products. Its all employees promise that we will concentrate our all efforts in developing the new technology and products and compensate for your patronage with its best products.