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Water Environment
Monitoring System
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Shinyang Technology

Marine and weather measuring equipment and Water quality automatic measuring equipment manufacturer

Shinyang Technology
Product Name
Water Environment
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Product Details

ㆍ3방향의 위치고정 추에 의해 최대풍속 20m/s에 부이가 수평이동하지 않음(특허출원중). 
ㆍ수심 150m까지 매 1m 간격으로 사용자 지정 시간에 동작 및 자료 전송 CDMA, 인공위성, VHF/UHF 무선전송 가능 
ㆍ신양기술 자체 개발 데이터 로거 사용으로 안정적이고 저렴한 제작 비용 
기능 및 특징 
ㆍ사용자의 무선통신 명령에 의한 원격관측셋팅기능 
ㆍ수질자료 및 기상관측센서 추가 장착 및 관측 HMI, MMI 연동 가능(RS232C control) 다양한 수질관측용 센서 연동 
ㆍ설치 환경에 적합한 무선통신 및 네트워크 지원 
ㆍ댐내 상수원 수질 모니터링 
ㆍ상류와 하류의 수질오염도 비교분석 
ㆍ수질환경 및 오염 모니터링 


신양기술 수질환경 - 수심적응기능성 수질자동 측정시스템 신양기술 수질환경 - 수심적응기능성 수질자동 측정시스템  1

Shinyang Technology
Marine and weather measuring equipment and Water quality automatic measuring equipment manufacturer
Shinyang Technology Company was founded in May 2000 by the researchers who were specialized in the electronics instrumentation for oceanography. it has worked hard to establish its reputation as one of the leading companies in the marine and weather measurement system field. Now it combines extensive product range, outstanding quality of customer service, leading technology and experienced staff.  Shinyang has three-business division:  Firstly, it develops and manufactures: own products such as Data buoys, floats and other measurement system for oceanography, meteorology, environmental sciences and industry. To provide better service to customer Shinyang provides various data distribution system using RF communication, satellite, mobile phone and network system based on Internet. Secondly, it Oversea trades: marine engineering of special buoyancy materials for oil and gas drilling and station, protection materials for underwater cable pipeline, various under water special connectors and cable, various components and equipment of the underwater vehicles, current meter, underwater modem, underwater acoustic sensor and weather measuring equipments and sensors it is the exclusive agency. Finally, with expert staff: it provides consulting service about measurement and mooring in deep sea. It develops and manufactures data networking and management system Shinnying is deeply committed to making its product and service convenient and efficient for the basis of better quality of life, cost saving and protection of environment