Using four alliterates which floating on geosynchronous orbit around the world, it is a date terminal for satellite communication that make the transmission of data and fax available in which water at any time
This is the product that has been first developed in the country and also the world's first electronic device that has several additional features such as grafting an electronic navigation chart and the use of Hangul to the inmarsat-C terminal for Korea domestic users.
1. Frequency Range
- Transmission : 1626.5 1646.5 Mhz
- Reception : 1530.0 1545.0 Mhz
2. Adjustment : BPSK
3. Data transfer Ratio
- Transmission : 300bps / 600bps
- reception : 600bps
4. Channel : 5Khz Level
5. Anthenna : Omni-direction Anthenna
6. Axial ratio : 6dB or below
7. Environmental conditions
- Temperature, Antenna / RF unit : -35℃ ~ +55℃
- Data Communication equipment : 0℃ ~ +35℃
- Relative Humidity : 95 percent or below to 40 degrees
- Air volume, Relative average speed 50m/sec(100knots)
- Vibration resistance, INMARSAT technical demands
8. Power Supply : AC 110V/ 200V, DC 24V
9. Interface : NMEA0183/0182