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Ship telecommunication system manufacturer

Product Name
Model No.
SRC-100, SRC-120
Product Details


SRC-70(F) - 7" GPS 터치 플로터(어탐)
터치기능으로 보다 편하게 사용 가능

제품 특징

  - 터치 디스플레이

  - 유/무선 겸용 리모컨 사용 가능

  - 고휘도 LED DISPLAY 장착으로 고해상도, 고화질 구현

  - 고사향 CPU와 램을 사용하여 보다 빠른 반응속도 구현

  - AIS 연결시 타박선의 이동 정보를 알수 있음

  - 어군탐지기와 겸용으로 사용가능

  - CCTV 카메라 연결 가능

  - SD카드, USB를 겸용으로 사용하여 자료 보관이 용이

  - 어군 발견 알람 기능 설정

  - 어탐표시부는 16 Color로 선명하게 표시

  - A-SCOPE 기능

  - bottom-lock 기능

제품 사양

 - 디스플레이

    SRC-70(F) : 7" LED 터치 1000cd/m 800 X 600 Pixels

    SRC-100(F) : 10.4" LED 터치 1000cd/m 800 X 600 Pixels

    SRC-120(F) : 12.1" LED 터치 3500cd/m 800 X 600 Pixels

    SRC-150(F) : 15" LED 터치 500cd/m 1024 X 768 Pixels

- 운영체제 : WINDOW OS

- 사용 전압 : 11V~38V

- 동작온전 : -10℃ ~ +60℃

- 화면모드 : 트루모션, 헤드업, 노스업, 코스업

- 목적지 : 2000점

- 루트 : 100루트(1루트당 20점의 목적지 저장가능)

- 항적 : 10000줄 (16색, 5페이지로 50000줄 가능)

- 마크 : 10000점

- 측지계 : WGS84/KOREA(TOKYO)

- 인터페이스 : NMEA0183

- 주파수 : 50khz/200khz

- 출력 : 600w/1kw

- 수심범위 : 2m~1200m

- 색상 : 16color

- A-Scope

- Bottom-lock

Ship telecommunication system manufacturer
Welcome to our Web site. I am Jinho Koh, the CEO of Saracom Co., Ltd First, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your unfailing support to Saracom. For a long time, the shipbuilding market's business conditions in both at home and abroad are endangered in the brunt of the prolonged recession as well as the worldwide economic depression. And because the anxious factors in international economy are unsolved and remained as before, it is expected that distress will go on. But, we run to secure a foundation of our growth and to make an enormous jump contrary to market's expectations, Most of all, we have continued to improve the efficiency of our business management in all areas and actively reflect the voices of our clients, shareholders. partners as well as to enhance our international competitiveness. Especially, we have exerted our utmost efforts to establish a sustainable system of our growth, to ensure both clearness and laws in business management and to build a platform of R&D as the control point in our business, And we will make the foundation of the business through the production maintenance and manufacturing competitiveness about whistle, magnetic compass and GMDSS equipment etc, and look for new strategic partners and plan the quality improvement. Also we will do our best for the discovery of new partners in response to competitor's policy in both technique and price. As our efforts are visible gradually both to extend sales volume through the upturn readjustment of credit rating and to discover a new item as instruments for our perpetual growth, it is expected that we make an apparent extension for our sale and can settle favorably a composition of a virtuous circle in management for the investment in a new growth engine of fierce future's. As mentioned above, we have responded skillfully in our way about economic slump in shipbuilding market and fierce competition to rival company, it is prospected that the shipbuilding market's environments will be more slowdown and fierce increasingly from now on. In other to respond in advance to conversion in this environment, we need to change as a market-leading company that is based on the incessant innovation. For this purpose, Saracom pledges to pursue the following principles in order to overcome the market changes and business difficulties. First, we will build a creative and innovative corporate culture wherein the staff voluntarily participates through a fundamental improvement of the inefficient factors, as well as the pursuit of ceaseless changes. Second, we will expedite technological and product innovation. Moreover, we will practice market-based and systemic business management