Shiplift System, Rail Transporter, Mono Rail Transporter, Bogie, Ship Section Carrier
Flawless, precise, safe and efficient heavy transportation!
Lifting capacity from 50 ton to over 20,000 tons in combinations
The NMT (New Module Transporter, a patented system since 2006) is a very strong and easy to maintain hydraulically driven engineless (powered by a separate power pack or with integrated power pack) heavy transportation equipment, that is often operated in combination with several units that range in capacity from 100 to over 20,000 ton payloads. This equipment could be used to transport half-completed ships, offshore structures or other manufactured materials used in large construction projects. NMT combinations can be operated by a single remote control. We offer the only module transporter system in the market which can be used in connection with SSC (Ship Section Carrier). Each unit has the same height and stroke as standard ship section carriers (SSC) and a slim design for easy on-road transportation making it very flexible and safe when coupled with other transporters. Even though, equipped with pendulum axles, the pendulum can be locked (patented since 2006), while driving in one line only
Axles, Suspension
The axles are connected to the platform via a 4-point ball bearing with a ring gear (360° turn type). The hydraulic steering motor is mounted outside of the ring gear (patented since 2005). All pendulum axles are connected with the platform and swivel bogie through a strong swing arm. The pendulum bearing and the swing arm bearing are sliding bearings, low in maintenance once they are regularly lubricated. Our hydraulic support cylinders have a hard-chromed piston rod. The articulated bearings in both cylinder eyelets, reduce the lateral forces which will protect their seals.
Electronic System
CAN (Controller Area Network) system
1. Very efficient for data exchange high rate
2. High reliability as it quickly recognizes and adjusts errors
3. With a central diagnostic system
4. Quick coupling programming operation(by a remote controller)
5. All modular auto programming system