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Railway Cable & System
Industrial Cable
Railway Cable & System
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Ls Cable & System

Industrial special cable and Industrial material manufacturer, Underwater cable, Superconducting cable, Ultra high pressure cable, Communication cable and more

Ls Cable & System
Product Name
Railway Cable & System
Model No.
Product Details

The railway infrastructure is a complex engineering business, where the fields of civil engineering, roadbeds, construction, energy supply, signals, communications and trains are organically connected. LS Cable & System has locally developed cables and systems for power supply, signal transmission, and railcar design. We are providing the best products to customers through superior quality.


Railways cables & systems

1) Cables for railway vehicle
As for the Cables for railway vehicle, performance related to fire safety, such as toxic gases and flame propagation in case of fire is important, and we are supplying products that acquired EN45545-2 and domestic certification to meet domestic and overseas performance requirements.

2) Cables for railway signal systems
Cables for railway signal systems are used in signal systems for the safe operation of trains, and we are developing and supplying products that meet the requirements of each equipment manufacturer.

3) Power system (R-Bar)
This system is used to supply power to locations, e.g. subways and tunnel sections, where the existing catenary method cannot be applied. We developed localization of the R-Bar-type product, and supply it now.

Ls Cable & System
Industrial special cable and Industrial material manufacturer, Underwater cable, Superconducting cable, Ultra high pressure cable, Communication cable and more
Enable the Cabled World!!LS Cable & System realizes the higher cabled value! LS Cable & System, established in 1962, has been contributing to building power grids and communication networks first in Korea and then in countries all over the world by developing, producing and providing cables and related solutions used in daily life and throughout many industries. Furthermore, the company set the stage for industrial and economic development by capitalizing on our innovative technology to supply various special industrial cables and industrial materials. We at LS Cable & System are now supplying state-of-the-art products, such as submarine, extra-high voltage, high temperature superconducting and communications cables to power authorities, heavy electric equipment makers and common carriers around the world. Our products can be seen throughout the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, so we are now recognized as a leading manufacturer serving global industries both in name and reality. Based on our corporate philosophy, “LS Cable & System Way,” we will go beyond simply generating profits to develop forward thinking competencies by innovating our business models, developing environment-friendly high-quality products and reinforcing our partnerships with stakeholders as the best partner that will maximize customer values. We will open a brighter future by innovating and investing in technologies that push the envelope and developing the best total solutions.