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A manufacturer of electric goods for Navy and commercial vessels and plant


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36, Noksansandan 289-ro, Gangseo-gu, Busan, Korea

JINKWANG ELECTRIC Co., Ltd. was incorporated in July 1986 and began its operations in the manufacturing and repair of electrical machinery.

In response to the requests for the localization of parts due to the development of the heavy industry in our country, we have continuously evolved into a specialized manufacturer of electrical components for naval vessels, ships, and plants.
JINKWANG ELECTRIC Co., Ltd. is committed to satisfying our customers with the highest quality products through continuous quality improvement and quality management.
We will not rest on our laurels but will strive to become a global company through relentless research and development and an indomitable spirit of challenge.
We will vigorously advance with a passionate commitment to discovering new technology business fields and developing core technologies in our existing business areas.

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