SPMS (Ship Performance Monitoring System) is to display and monitor of main engine and propulsion performance data continuously.
The system can be adapted to various types of vessels and machinery configurations, and is also very flexible with regards to type and number of signal inputs.
The purpose of the SPMS is to give the operator information about the energy flows and from fuel input to ship speed, and the corresponding efficiencies of main engine, propeller and hull.
The system is also an efficient tool for automatic generation of fuel consumption report and condition monitoring thought trending of performance parameters. The system will normally include a Torque meter.
For presentation of shaft power/torque meter data and performance parameters, the display units are installed at convenient locations, typically in the ECR and on the bridge.
· Minimizing fuel oil consumption
· Improving ship performance
· Reducing maintenance costs
· User-friendly system
· Interfacing with ICMS
For overall system control, for generation of fuel consumption reports, for trending and for graphical presentation of performance data, a central computer with VGA color monitor and printer can be included in the system. The computer is connected to the main display unit through a serial data line, and can repeat all propulsion and performance data as presented on the local monitors.