Heat exchanger manufacturer, Engine, Field, Vessel Heat exchanger and Power station equipment and ETC
Recently, efforts of the various aspects and regulations for sailing ships to reduce the CO2 have been established. IMO MEPC 203 (62) meeting mentioned Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for new ships and a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) through MARPOL Annex VI Regulation, and the raising energy efficiency is becoming inevitable.In the vessel, there are many products that can enhance the energy efficiency depending on the environment conditions.Among them,
ESS is a product to reduce total power consumption by controlling pump of S.W., F.W., E / R ventilation fan and cargo hold fan.Therefore, how much energy can be reduced by ESS?Surprisingly by reducing the motor RPM of 10% through the ESS, 27% of power consumption is saving.As result of this, you can significantly save fuel Oil of D/G unnecessarily consuming on the ship.