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Soft Seat Gate Valve
Soft Seat Gate Valve
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A manufacturer of various type valve product for industry

Product Name
Soft Seat Gate Valve
Model No.
Product Details

■ 국내외 관련 규격 요건 만족

   - (제 7장) 수도용 나이프 제수밸브 적합인증 규격 KWWA-CP-2017-001
   - 수도용 밸브의 적합기준
   - SPS-KWWA B 102-0709 수도용 소프트 실 슬루스 밸브 규격
   - KSB 2332 수도용 제수밸브 규격
   - KSB 2334 수도용 덕타일 주철 제수밸브 규격
   - MSS SP-135 고압 나이프 게이트 밸브 규격
   - DIN PN, ANSI 플랜지 규격

■ 고무 시트와 메탈 시트로 순차적 차단, 2중 실링 구조, 고압에도 누설 없음
■ 분체성 유체, 순수 물 또는 슬러지와 물 혼합 유체, 오일, 가스 등 모든 유체 라인 적용 가능
■ 밸브 유과 경 하부 이물질 적체 없어 항시 전폐 가능, 밸브 운행 원할
■ 좁은 면간 구조, 소형 경량의 구조물, 가격 경쟁력이 있고 공간 활용도 높음, 포장, 운송, 설치비 절감
■ 적은 구동력으로 작동 가능
■ 밸브 소프트 시트 교체 가능, 유지 밸브 수명 연장
■ 보닛 타입의 경우 팩킹실(Packing Room)로부터 외부 누설 없음, 배관과 주변 환경 청결 유지 가능
■ 특허 제품

A manufacturer of various type valve product for industry
We have produced knife gate valves since 2003, and have spared no investment and effort to develop the technology and to improve the quality according to the requirements of market. As a result, we developed the world's first knife gate valves for water service and the world's first soft seat slim gate valves which are applicable to the water, oil and gas lines with the appearance structure of knife gate valve. These products can substitute the gate valves which are applied to the whole industries, and the performance can satisfy the customers who want better one, which results the increase of demands. They can be used up to KS 10K and 20K of pressure level and ASME 150LB and 300LB. There is no seat leakage even at 40kgf/㎠ and no pileup of foreign substances at the lower part of vqlve bore, which enables to smoothly operate the valves. And they are the only valves for fluid block which are possible to control the flux and their fire safety structure enable to apply to important lines. DongHae has moving forward to customers' demands in the local and overseas markets by developing several valves for specialized uses as well as the knife gate valve for water service and the soft seat slim gate valve for industrial purposes. Our company will grow as your trustable Valve Partner by keeping our efforts like this.