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MOV 타입
High Pressure·Temperature valve
고온고압메탈 시트 볼밸브
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Valve manufacturer, Special valve, Butterfly valve, Bellows valve and more

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MOV 타입
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Product Details


사용처 : 발전소의 각종 배관 라인 이물질이 포함된 스팀 라인 전반에 적용 가능
유체 :  슬러리, 스케일이 포함된 스팀 
사이즈 : 1", 1 1/2",  2",  3",  4"
압력(class) : # 1500, # 2500, #3100, #4500
구동 타입  : 핸드휠, MOV , Pneumatic



화력 발전 설비의 고온.고압 유체 사용을 목적으로 개발된 볼 밸브이며, 밸브가 완전 개방되면 유체가 흐르는 유로가 직선이 되어 압력 손실이 없다. 화력 발전소에서 주로 사용되는 기존의 글로브 밸브 타입은, 스케일이 포함된 고온의 스팀에 의한 밸브 시트 마모가 심하지만, 본 메탈 시트 볼 밸브는 마모를 최소로 줄일 수 있으며, 고온 고압 스팀 환경에서도 패싱 없이 안정적으로 사용할 수 있는 구조와 재질로 설계 하였다.



관련 특허 : 10-1402245 누기 차단 기능을 갖는 밸브
인증 : 신기술 인증, 성증 인증

Valve manufacturer, Special valve, Butterfly valve, Bellows valve and more
Since its inception in 1987 BTX has been committed to making of the best valves and has grown to be and recognized by its local and international clients as a world class premium valve manufacturer after it had overcome a numerous trials and hardship. Starting with valves for ships the Company not only developed betterfly valve for transformers and gas circuit breakers,but also V Port ball valves for HVAC, which are exported all over the world. In Particular, the company is the leader in the supply of transformer valves to the global markets including the USA, Russia, Taiwan and Japan, as well as in the local market with their quality well appreciated by the clients. In 2014, We developed high pressure and temperature valve for Power plant. We proudly announce that high pressure and temperature valve technology won Gold price of New product Idea- Invention at International development Fair held in Germany. Together with the clients namely, Hyundai Heavy Industry, Hyosung, KOC Electric, LS Electrics, ABB, SIEMENS, ALSTOM, CG, GE and so on, the Company shall "co-exist" through the adcancement and growth by supplying the best quality to its clients. All staff of BTX are committed to making a contribution to the incustry and the society, and shall return favor to the customers with sustainable growth and product development.